Most days, my 8-year old and I walk across our rural village to school and back. It's a 5 minute walk but it can take us anywhere up to an hour or more as she stops to follow her curiosity and senses along the way, taking us into the trees and knee deep into the river. I let it happen because it gives me access to her world too, a place I feel like I long to return to. I love our time and conversations together and I often draw her and her older sister in the wild. Talking to them, reading with them, playing with them; these things are the privilege of my life.
Last week, we had a whole group of women artists in our house and, while they were there, she took it upon herself unprompted to write this piece, a list of 31 things she feels are important for life. She later recorded them as a voice note and we edited this little video together as a gift she consented to share with you all.
We’ve been through a very difficult time over the last few years and I’ve worried for them immensely, but I now see and hear the glimmers of light and healing in my wee wild women. So here we go, Thoughts from My Daughter.
Here’s the things that I hope you’ll improve and make you a better person. These are a few messages, there’s 31 and I hope you enjoy.
Today is a great day to be amazing
If you can dream it, you can do it
Dream Big
Believe in Yourself
Imagine great things
Draw your feelings
Do not let procrastination overpower your passion
always be kind
Be nice!
Do not try to blend in, because you’re different
Don’t be nasty and bully people because of looks
Listen to your heart
Do not change for somebody else
Draw your memories
Have friends that respect who you are
Don’t stab people in the back
Let your imagination run wild
Don’t do something because your friend has
Do not be obnoxious
Give people their personal space
Don’t go on screens all the time
Look at the world and not the world in your screens
Draw what makes you happy
Don’t draw something that you’re uncomfortable with
Do what makes you happy
Listen to other people
(Most important rule) Have fun!
Do not be rude
Try to be a bit helpful
Never give up hope
Have the spirit in doing the work
Thank you for listening, goodbye.
#30, never give up hope. 😭 This entire list was absolutely beautiful, but #30 is what I needed most. Please thank your daughter for me, for sharing her heartfelt and encouraging words. What a spark of magic she is. 🧡✨
Always surround yourself and your littles with creative space and nature. It's our innate longing that will hold us. So beautiful