Wow. The way you create light in your images is absolutely stunning. I adore sunsets and sunrises so I'm very drawn to your pieces. Thanks for sharing, Gillian

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This whole reflection was so heartwarming and beautiful (and incredibly timely, personally, as I'm too grappling with these feelings about belonging, place-making, choosing, intention, plans v presence and so much of what you so thoughtfully unfurled here).

"but when I make my mind up to see them as a miracle, they become so beautiful."

This was one of my favourite parts, because it's so true. It sounds simple, and it is, but I also think it can't happen through force either, it has to be natural and the right timing, too - almost like, against your will you already were feeling connected and a part of the place, and so the intentionality followed easily. Life seems to be just endlessly "getting out of your own way", constantly rerouting yourself when you start to think "this isn't how it was meant to be, or where I was meant to be" - and seeing what comes when we're able to loosen that grip a bit.

Thanks again for this writing, it loosened something in me this morning :)

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Can't say much more than "thanks."

Restacked on Notes, a rather pitiful tribute. The various angry weirdoes who compose my straggling coterie may benefit from reading it.

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Such a beautiful piece, thank you. I enjoyed finding what you wrote at the end. I recently finished a children’s book and am not quite sure what to do with it.

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What beautiful, beautiful illustrations! And lovely writing too - have fun with Caterpillar Collective!

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Wow! Your illustrations and words are gorgeous

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Oh Gillian this is all so so beautifully articulated. I grew up in Co Durham and because of some thing I didn’t eve feel I could return and I haven’t for over 20 years even though I’m just up the road... I connected to so much of what you wrote here and you are magic such magic there! If I hadn’t left to “find myself” I think I would have found her there after all. ✨✨

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Your art is so beautiful, and your writing is so gorgeous to read. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and insights!

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